Very first day at forever home

It did not take long for these two to become best friends.  

Bengals and children are naturals together.

Children and Bengals are both active and vocal.

Which is the baby?  Both of them

They will grow up together and be best pals

One kitten, two children

This kitten cannot pick a favorite child.  Just look at those smiles.  They say it all. 

These two cuties are good about sharing their new kitten

It only took two days for this bengalbeauty to settle in and start loving the little ones in the family


How sweet is this? 

One little girl, two Bengals

Who needs dolls when you have a Bengal that likes to take a nap in your arms while you hold him like a baby.
Do not touch

She could not touch the kitten because it was only four days old

Just look at the joy on her face!!

He loves his Bengal 

People thing of kittens and girls, but boys love their kittens too!!

Boys love their kittens too.

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not just for girls!!

The twins puts him in toys and he loves it.

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love to play with girls.

Napping together.

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One of the twin girls with their Bengal kitten

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 Just look at that big grin.

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you can see the love in her smile.

Her smile says it all.

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A quiet moment