Hi, I am Judy Pence, a very proud breeder of these Beautiful Bengals that captured my heart.

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Yes, that is me. Judy Pence of Bengalbeauty.com
I have been breeding these beautiful Bengals for over fifteen years. It is an ongoing process as breeders are constantly learning and keeping up with research.

We stay small breeders so our queens and kittens can have the full run of our home and not be in cages or pens.

They are raised to be loving, playful members of your home.

All kittens are using the litter box, have age appropriate vaccines, and checked by our DVM, Dr Stacy Messner of Oak Grove Animal Clinic before they leave here.

Bengals are from the Asian Leopards which is a small tree leopard. They are very active and vocal. They are not for those families that are looking for a quite, non active four footed family member. 
We are a small in home cattery that only want our kittens to go to loving homes that will respect, love and give outstanding care to these beautiful creatures. They deserve the best!

Bengals love to play fetch, play in water, and zip around the home lickely split.

They are the only breed of cat that has glitter, which looks like gold metallic bits have been sprinkled on the pelt when the light shines on them. The brown has gold glitter, the snow and silver have ice crystals. Beautiful!!

They have the pelt of the leopard. Each shaft of hair is three times bigger around than that of the regular cat. That is what makes them so soft luxuriate.

What we produce in our in home cattery

We are so proud of our 'little leopards for your home'.

click on any picture to enlarge.

How many kittens can you find?

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lots of love, spots and fun.
This is three litters born just three days apart. The  queens put them altogether and care for all of them. I know which kitten belongs to which queen, but I don't think they know. Each queen claims all the kittens.