Kittens born FEB. 18 & 19
Three brown spotted boys and one cashmere girl are available. Please email me or call 816 252 9126 for more information. They are raised in our home with free run and our two dogs.
Four weeks old
Just starting to run all over their room. The gray fuzzies are already here and they hide the pattern. Super active boy
Sweet boy is four weeks old in this picture
At this age the pattern and background color are far from what they will be as he gets older.
This boy thinks he is the boss.
Both mothers are super strick raising their babies together. They don't get a chance to get away with anything
Long haired brown marble girl.
She can be very demanding. Right now she is small, but look at the size of her feet!!! She will not be small as an adult. Brown marble Cashmere or long haired are not rare, but you don't see many of them. She is special.